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Single System Test Cloud, Take 2

September 20, 2012

Testing Eucalyptus should be easy. In Single System Test Cloud, testing a cloud was made easier by removing the requirement of having at least two systems. But, it still adds unnecessary complexity by adding a VM to run the front-end system. After learning from the experience of the first single system test cloud, it became apparent that there should be an easy way to run Eucalyptus without the use of a VM. And yes there is!

First, start off with a CentOS 6 installation. This installation can either be with or without a GUI environment though a GUI will help on a system such as a laptop.

After CentOS 6 is installed setup a bridge. This bridge does will not be attached to any of the physical devices of the system. This bridge will be used by the NC for the instances as well as for communication between the CC and the NC. We will need an free subnet and IP address that may be use. This subnet can be very small but a /24 will be used in the example. The bridge will be setup to use the IP address and a netmask of

To setup the bridge on br0 with the above information, place the below into /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0:


Note: If a laptop or another system that may get a different IP address is used, it could be a good idea to use a sub-interface. This way if the IP address changes on the system, the configuration will not need to change and the cloud should still function. Eucalyptus does not deal well with changing IP addresses on components.

To prevent a possible issue with the Eucalyptus meta-data service, turn off Zeroconf by adding the following to /etc/sysconfig/network:


To have the two new settings setup above take effect, restart the networking process:

service network restart

Note: If a GUI was installed with the CentOS installation there might be issues caused by Network Manager. To get around these I suggest that you add NM_CONTROLLED="no" to the interface that Eucalyptus will use for the its IP.

Next disable the system firewall and either place SELinux in permissive mode or disabled. To turn off the firewall use the following command:


Deselect the firewall entry. Next edit /etc/selinux/config and change the SELINUX entry to either permissive or disabled. Finish the SELinux configuration by running the following:

setenforce 0

Now install and configure the NTP service. The NTP service will be set to start at boot and the resulting updated time will be synced to the hardware clock of the system. Run the following commands:

yum -y install ntp
chkconfig ntpd on
service ntpd start
ntpdate -u
hwclock --systohc

Eucalyptus is a difficult product to install the first time so I heavily recommend taking some time to read the Eucalyptus Installation Guide. Please take the time to carefully read the Installation Guide as it will make the steps below much easier to understand. Really.

To begin the Eucalyptus installation, install and setup the needed repositories.

yum -y install
yum -y install
yum -y install
yum -y install
yum -y install

Now install the Eucalyptus Cloud Controller (clc), Cluster Controller (cc), Storage Controller (sc), Walrus, and Node Controller (nc) on the system.

yum -y groupinstall eucalyptus-cloud-controller
yum -y install eucalyptus-nc eucalyptus-cc eucalyptus-sc eucalyptus-walrus

Since all of the Eucalyptus components are now installed, it is time to configure the system. Before the changes can be made to the configuration file there is some information that needs to be gathered.

Eucalyptus requires a list of public IP addresses that can be given to instances that are started. For this type of a cloud five should be sufficient but one IP will be needed for each instance that is run. These public IPs do not need to be publicly routed or even routed on your network. In the example below, the range “” will be used for the list of public IPs.

Eucalyptus will create a private network that will be used for instance communication. This network subnet should be one that is not currently utilized on the local network. This network subnet should have at least 256 addresses in it (this is a /24 or a netmask of In this example, the subnet that will be used is with the netmask

Eucalyptus will give each instance a DNS server to use when it boots. For this example we will use Google’s Public DNS server at

Open up /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf and change the following settings. Make sure that if any of the example settings conflict in the local network that values are swapped with some that will work. Also make sure to remove any “#” characters that might be at the beginning of these settings.


When the Eucalyptus NC service was installed Libvirtd was also installed. DNSMasq comes with Libvirtd but causes issues with Eucalyptus. So, we’re going to turn off DNSMasq and disable it from starting at boot.

service dnsmasq stop
chkconfig dnsmasq off

Now it is time to initialize the Eucalyptus DB and to start the components. Run the following command:

euca_conf --initialize

If the output of the above command includs the word “succeeded” then the database was successfully setup. Next, start the services.

service eucalyptus-cloud start
service eucalyptus-cc start
service eucalyptus-nc start

Check to see if the services are running by looking for the following ports in the output of netstat -ntplu: 8443, 8773, 8774, 8775. If all of these ports are found in the output then the services are running.

Registration of the components can now take place. Register all of the components, except for the NC, on the same IP. The NC should be registered on the IP given to the br0 interface above. For this example, the system has been setup with the IP so all components, except for the NC, will be registered to that IP.

/usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-walrus --partition walrus --host --component walrus-single
/usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-cluster --partition cluster01 --host --component cc-single
/usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-sc --partition cluster01 --host --component sc-single
/usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-nodes ""

Note: If the IP of the system that this is being setup on is not then please replace the IP above with the correct IP.

Finally, the cloud should be running and registered so that credentials can now be downloaded. Run the following to get the cloud administrator’s credentials:

euca_conf --get-credentials

Unzip the resulting file into a directory. Next, run the following command inside of the directory where the file was unzipped.

source eucarc

To see if the cloud has been able to find resources on the system run the following command:

euca-describe-availability-zones verbose

If the output does not contain 000 / 000 on every line then the cloud is successfully operating. Now an image should be uploaded to the cloud so that an instance may be run. I will leave this as activity to the user. Information on images can be found in the Eucalyptus Administration Guide.

From → Cloud, Eucalyptus

  1. Reblogged this on More Mind Spew-age from Harold Spencer Jr. and commented:
    Getting a Eucalyptus private cloud up for testing made easy….good blog post!

  2. supreeth permalink

    how to install this on ubuntu10.4?is there any necessary for xen vm?

    • Hi supreeth,

      This is definitely doable with Ubuntu as long as the packages are available for Eucalyptus 3. You’ll need to translate the bridge creation and other examples above that are for CentOS/RHEL into Debian specific entries. For example, the bridge creation should go into /etc/network/interfaces instead of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0.


  3. Ankit permalink

    Hey Andrew,
    Thanks for such a marvelous blog. Can I build eucalyptus from source using this aaproach. Like getting the code fromn github and installing it.

    • As long as you can get Eucalyptus built and to run from source then there should be nothing different with this config. Unfortunately from what I’ve seen building from source is not an easy task with Eucalyptus. Good luck!

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